Who knew you can fit that much in a Camry. 3 mountain bikes, large cooler, 2 pieces of luggage, a lot of food, computers and monitors, a case of wine, and many bike accessories and parts.

The first stop was Harrisonburg, Va today where we rode the western slopes of Massanutten. The trails had it all, rocks, roots, flow, and some climbing. If you are looking to ride here this is just the tip of the iceberg for riding in the area. Check out the George Washington National Forest for many more options.

The first stop was Harrisonburg, Va today where we rode the western slopes of Massanutten. The trails had it all, rocks, roots, flow, and some climbing. If you are looking to ride here this is just the tip of the iceberg for riding in the area. Check out the George Washington National Forest for many more options.

Next stop Brevard NC, which is 5 hours south.