Our visit to New Zealand was interupted by bad weather forcing the Captain to make the call to cut 2 ports and head directly to Auckland our last destination there. Unfortunalely there were no extra berths available big enough for our ship so we had to anchor off shore untill our scheduled arrival. The first extra sea day the weather was not good so we did some inside activities. The second day was 70 degrees and beautiful. This picture is inside the ship in the middle.

As you can see not many people on board. The ship holds 3600 we have 1600. Tomorrow 600 are getting off and 100 getting on making the passsenger to guest ratio 1:1. Service as been excellant.

One of the pools with a giant tv screen where they show movies day and night under the stars.

We are all ready for Easter which is tomorrow

Our mini suite which is more than adequate. There is a tub/shower in the bathroom. Erin has her work station set up for working sea days. The time difference has been a little challenging.

Skywalk looking down at the water below.

Our view from the cabin this morning.

Tomorrow the plan is to finally mountain bike, fingers crossed.