We finally arrived in port in Auckland. The weather started out great as we made our way to the rental car. Still driving on the left side but much easier than in Sydney as it was Easter Sunday with no traffic. We drove 40 minutes north to Woodhill mountain bike park.

We rented bikes at the park and ripped it up for 14 miles of mostly fun flowy trails.
They had several harder trails with steep banks twisty turns and some with a lot of features.

After riding we tried going to Piha Beach but all roads were closed due to recent typhoon that hit the area so we ended up here at Laingholm Beach which also was black sand but also in bad shape from the storm.

Back on the ship with plenty of sea days until we reach Tahiti the gym is plenty big with something for everyone.

Picture of the ship docked in Auckland

Getting ready for one of 5 of the formal nights with canapes. The sunset was blocked but I'm sure we will have many more chances.

Sampling from the champagne fountain

Desserts have been good, this one looked better than it tasted